Our interior painting service always includes all the necessary wall preparation, the highest quality zero V.O.C. wall and ceiling paint, and the lowest V.O.C. enamels, stains and products.
Our courteous and friendly staff, criminal background checks, and daily clean up policies assure your home feels safe and stress free during the process.
Our detailed hand cut-in, customer walk through, and long-term warranty ensure that you receive superior workmanship and customer satisfaction at project completion.
Our exterior painting service always includes all the necessary surface preparation, including all scraping and caulking, and always includes two coats of the highest quality and lowest V.O.C paints, stains and products on the market. We also offer wood staining decks, fences and wood siding.
Our on-site ecological approach to pressure washing and paint disposal ensures that no paint or chemicals will run off the property into nearby storm drains or local waterways.
Our detailed hand cut-in, customer walk through, and long-term warranty ensure that you receive superior workmanship and customer satisfaction at project completion.

Every accepted project comes with a free one hour color consultation that is tailored to suit your needs, whether you're painting an HOA building, need a color match or are looking to try a new color.
Have another painter or DIY project, we also provide color consultations for hire, to help you make informed color decisions no matter who is holding the brush
Our background in design ensures your colors equally compliment and contrast to create flow and tranquility on interiors and offer welcoming curb appeal on exteriors.

Whether you have a small office or a large multi-unit building, our staff works with you to keep project details, budgets, and timelines on track.
Our long-term warranty and our superior workmanship, along with criminal background checks, and our professional and friendly staff ensures that your customers, tenants and employees have a stress free transition and full satisfaction upon project completion.
At Equilibrium Painting, we research the highest quality low VOC and zero VOC paints, stains, and related products on the market and we believe in sharing the knowledge with families and the community. We offer public education about VOCs, their associated health effects, how they contribute to air pollution on the inside and outside of your home or work space, and what you can do to combat them. If you're looking to paint yourself and want to know which paints and products are better for you and for the environment, please feel free to give us a call, we are happy to lead you in the right direction.